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5 Unconventional Secrets to Generating Substantial Wealth Online

Table of contents

  • Introduction for making money with eCommerce
  • Secret 1: Making Money Online Isn't Rocket Science, it's easier than it looks
  • Secret 2: Starting and Scaling Slow Creates Massive Profits, not just revenues
  • Secret 3: OPM (Other People's Money) to minimise risk
  • Secret 4: Focus on the Backend for huge profits
  • Secret 5: Your Affiliate Army for Free Advertising


This report you’re about to read is going to teach you how simple and easy it is to make money online. These are the most lucrative strategies that are evergreen, which means these tactics and strategies will never die. You will be able to use these money making techniques to get rich for as long as the internet is around.

“It’s easy if you know what you’re doing, the problem is most people don’t know what they're doing because everyone is teaching them strategies and tactics that don't work anymore because everyone is doing the same thing" - Fletcher Ladd

You’ll notice inside this report some of the sentences are not perfectly correct. My English teachers would kill me and that’s because I wrote this from the heart, I didn’t hire a ghost writer to edit the life out of this report before releasing it to the public.

You’re going to want to read this report in full, do not skip through the sections, that’s not reading. If you read this report in its entirety you’re going to be able to take action tomorrow so you can start earning big money in eCommerce this month.

You will also quite quickly notice this report is short and sweet, if you’re asking why, it’s because most of the educational books that are written are filled with fat. Most writers don’t need 400 pages. This report is only going to be a couple of pages so you can get right to the point quickly because remember… The most important thing is making money online.

That’s why you’re reading this report not so you can waste time, you can’t buy more time, but you can replace money, that’s easy once you read this report in full. Try to read this all within one session, don’t put it down, trust me you won’t open it again and that’s not because it’s bad it’s because you will get caught up in your everyday life which will distract you from your goal of becoming successful.

About Me:

First, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Now if you don’t know who I am, my name’s Fletcher Ladd, One of the co-founders of Ecom Capital. We’re one of the most exclusive eCommerce firms, most notably known for helping people start and grow eCommerce businesses.

I grew up in a small town in Australia with a population of around 60,000 people. By the time I was 15, I was off to high school in the United States after winning a scholarship on the difference between education in smaller regions vs large cities.

It was in Chicago when I first started hearing about eCommerce, most commonly the model of Dropshipping (Which is retail eCommerce where a third party handles the logistics).

I became fascinated with it. I wanted to know more and more. I bought every single book, devoured every podcast and YouTube video, I purchased every course online that had the word “eCommerce” and I was hooked. But things only started to get real when I started my first eCommerce store…

I started marketing the online store with just Facebook ads. Looking back now, I didn’t know what I was doing… but within my first month, I made $10,000 in sales, with a

wildly insane profit margin…

I continued to run my eCommerce business until one day when I saw eCommerce businesses sell for a 6X on annual sales, so I started to market my outdoor & fishing store to investors who wanted to expand their portfolio from internet stocks.

Offers started coming in left right and centre, every single day I was getting 60+ buy requests…

I had conversations with the most fitted investors and even though I offered them my playbook with all my recordings on how exactly I did everything within the business... they all asked for additional one on one mentoring from myself.

As a result, I started putting my advice online, I wanted to see if what I knew was demanded by the marketplace. Within one month I had hundreds of messages from established eCommerce businesses doing $50,000 to $100,000 a day in sales asking for a call to learn what I knew so they could implement my strategies inside their business.

Using my hard-hitting direct response strategies on already fast-growing eCommerce stores, clients would send out emails which within the first hour would bring in $10,000… (I was shocked)

The reviews from clients started pouring in which only gained my brand more and more traction… Every single day my messages on Facebook and Instagram were full of start-up entrepreneurs or veteran eCommerce store owners beating a path down to my door to learn my “secrets” to success in eCommerce.

After a year or so of working with clients, I had a war-chest of results. I had case-study upon case-study of money being made left right, and centre from my marketing efforts…

This only brought me more and more exposure, which brought a new set of problems…more people with no experience wanted to get in on this eCommerce gold rush I was pioneering.

Even my accountant would call me, asking me to train his son and what I do… It was all getting a bit too much…

However, being the entrepreneur that I am and with the mass demand, I was receiving every single day from 50+ people asking me to teach my tools of the trade. I decided to take on a few clients to teach them how they could start their own eCommerce stores.

That’s when I founded Ecom Capital in 2020, a fast-growing eCommerce firm helping people start, grow & invest in eCommerce businesses. We have thousands of clients who we’ve helped upskill their businesses in the world of eCommerce. Our office is located in the heart of Broadbeach, Gold Coast, we have a team of over 50 eCommerce professionals helping investors build or expand a portfolio of stable, high-growth businesses.

Within Ecom Capital we have a division called ‘Start’ it’s where everyday people working 9-5 or that own a small business are able to safely start their own dropshipping

eCommerce business. The results are amazing, every single day people from Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland & the United States are able to start their own eCommerce business and quickly get sales and grow their new brand into a thriving business.

We’ve become known for having a great success track record in the industry. We pride ourselves on one thing, helping people make money online. It's insane how so many people teach you how to make money online and it simply doesn’t work… Well, I’m here to tell you the real secrets you need to make money online in 5 little secrets “they’ don’t want you to know about, So let’s begin.

Secret 1: Making Money Online Isn't Rocket Science

We’re not launching rockets into outer space, all we’re trying to do is simply get someone to purchase a great product online, it’s easy, but most people don’t know how to do it. I have a great ability to be able to do it for myself, but I have an even greater ability to be able to teach someone with no experience, no technical ability to be able to do the exact same thing and make $10, $20 even $30 thousand dollars a month every single month.

Let me explain why it’s easy, there are only 3-simple steps to get someone to purchase a product online. Let's break them down right now.

Step 1: We need bait, which is our harpoon, we need a piece of content to be able to position in front of our target market on Facebook or Google, so what we do is very simple, all we do is create a piece of content that taps into the desire and problems of our target market, we then tell them if they’re having a problem to only do one thing. This brings us to step two.

Step 2: The goal of step one is to ask the person to click a link so we can take that person who has a problem or a desire and present them a solution. In the online space, all we do is ask the person to click the link in an ad, which brings them to our website, so they can be sold by our landing page. Now this is a sales page which explains to them our product, how it works and how it can help them solve their problem or desire. All we do once they’ve absorbed all the content we present to them on the sales page is ask them to do one more thing. This now leads us to step three.

Step 3: We ask the visitor to click a button to be taken to a checkout where they will be able to purchase our product for a specific price, and the checkout will carefully guide the visitor to add his or her payment information so they can have the product sent to them, and that’s it, you’ve now got a customer.

It’s really that simple, in terms of how we create the content and the landing/product pages, you’re going to learn that later on, but I’ve made millions of dollars with this simple 3-step process, I’m going to be teaching you HOW you can line these 3-steps up so you virtually can do the same too for yourself and achieve the same success.

Now, there is one thing you MUST do in order for this to work for you, if you don't do this, it will never work.

You must have a clear vision of where you want to go, success doesn't come by accident.

If you’re not currently satisfied with where you are in life, it's essential for you to have clarity on what you want because success comes to those with a clear vision. Without it, you block your success for today and for the future, too.

If you want to change your current circumstance and become wildly successful you need to understand that this is as important as the food you eat and the air you breathe. You can’t just wake up one day and wish you were successful. That’s what dreamers do. But you don’t want to be a dreamer, you want to be a winner. And winners put a strategic plan in place on how they will achieve their goals and dreams then execute on that plan like their life depends on it.

With a clear vision, you know where you're going and you make progress because you're guided by the map of your mind but without such a map you can get easily distracted and lose sight of the opportunities in front of you. If this happens it becomes difficult for you to deal with the unknown and the unexpected; and with the ups and downs that you'll encounter along the path you travel to achieve success in business.

Once you have a clear vision it’s important to not fall into the vicious trap that most entrepreneurs fall into which will be discussed in detail in the next section.

Secret 2: Starting and Scaling Slow Creates Massive Profits

One of the biggest mistakes I see is entrepreneurs who try to go too big too quickly. They may be running a successful eCommerce store or a digital consultancy doing a nice 6/7 figures a year in revenue and they get caught up in the momentum of their business and end up killing themselves (and their company) by striving for more.

I’ll dive deep into the exact mistakes they're making in a second but first, we need to make the distinction between revenue and profit.

Revenue is total sales made by the business. Profit is what you keep when you deduct the costs of the business away from the revenue. So the real success of a business lies in their profit numbers NOT their total revenue. Profit is what you should be aiming for. If someone says they are doing 9 figures a year it’s extremely unlikely that they are keeping 9 figures in profit, in fact, it’s usually a lot less.

The truth is if you’re doing multi 6/7 figures in revenue then you can and should be aiming to keep 6/7 figures as profit. Inside Ecom Capital we show our clients how to keep their business lean, meaning they generate the most revenue possible while keeping their business costs extremely low. This is the secret sauce to how we are able to produce such incredible results for our clients time and time again.

Every business will incur some costs such as advertising spend, stock, software, staff, web hosting, etc. But the key to long-term sustainable growth and success is to keep these as low as possible while maximizing sales.

The internet has changed the game completely when it comes to running a business, especially eCommerce and it’s now easier than ever to make money if you know the right strategies. You can build an eCommerce empire online without having to spend money on office space, staff, holding stock, or retail space.

30 years ago before the internet started this wasn’t possible. Store owners would have to take on huge amounts of debt in the form of leases, warehouses, and stock before they even made a single sale!

Now, with the help of the internet, you can get started and become an online store owner for less than $200. But just because the internet helps you start lean doesn’t mean if you continue to aggressively scale into the 9 figures a year range that you will stay lean.

Growing a company to this level (even with it being fully online) is a completely different beast and this is where most online business owners mess up.

The simple truth is that when you’re chasing after seven figures, it all comes down to sales and marketing. If you know how to market and sell a product then hitting 7

figures will come easy to you.

But going from $1 million to $100 million requires significant investment to ensure the business holds together. You’ll have to invest in complex systems, processes and most importantly you’ll have to recruit and invest heavily in people.

Naturally, as you hire more you will have to delegate more work and this loosens your control of the business. As a result, poorer decisions are made, team productivity won’t be as high as it once was and generally, the business becomes less efficient.

Now for you, the business owner, this causes significant problems. You’ll have more responsibility, more stress, more risk, less profit, and less time to actually do the things that you enjoy in life like going on vacation or spending time with your friends and family.

This is ironic considering having more time to do these things is the reason most people start a business in the first place...

Now, this book isn’t a lesson on the do’s and don’t of scaling a business, but you need to understand that the secret to succeeding online is to steadily increase revenue while keeping profits high. I see so many 9 figures businesses that end up with a low 7 figure profit. Yet if you know the right strategies then you can build an 8 figure business that keeps 8 figures in profit.

I don’t know about you but I know which business I’d rather have.

If you’re starting out online then my advice is don’t go big. Choose profit over revenue. That’s why I’m so proud of the number of success stories that we have coming out of Ecom Capital. We have complete newbie entrepreneurs (we’re talking people who have never really used a laptop before) starting their own eCommerce businesses and hitting multiple 6 figures in just a few months in sales AND profit. They’re following our strategies and staying “small” so they can earn big profits.

Another strategy that our clients love to implement is how to start their business without having to invest any of their own money up front yet still wildly profit from the sales they make. We’ll discuss this strategy in secret number three...

Secret 3: OPM (Other People's Money)

Early on in my entrepreneurship journey, I came across the concept of OPM (other people’s money). OPM is a form of “good debt” whereby you can dramatically increase your Return on Investment (ROI) and even achieve infinite returns if you leverage it correctly.

I had obviously heard of loans, investors, and funding but I always believed it was for large corporations or big tech startups like Facebook, and Snapchat, etc.

Then after speaking and consulting with thousands of entrepreneurs who wanted to become successful I realized that one of their biggest challenges holding them back from starting was a lack of initial funding for their business. Even though starting an online business like an eCommerce store doesn't require a heavy capital investment, there are still some costs involved. Most notably advertising. Most people are reluctant to get started because they don’t want to have to spend their savings or weekly salary on advertising. They need it for bills, food, general day-to-day expenses and they’re fearful that if they invest it into their business then they won’t get a return.

That’s when the lightbulb went off in my head and I had the epiphany of how we can leverage OPM to help my clients start their own successful online business without any money coming out of their own pocket.

I knew that if I could get our clients to find investors who instead of putting their money into stocks or cryptocurrency would be open to investing in an online startup like an eCommerce store then this would remove the biggest barrier keeping people from starting (and succeeding).

It would make sense for the investors because the initial investment would be less than what they would be used to putting into stocks, so less risk, yet the ROI they receive would be significantly more. If you’re looking to become a successful entrepreneur then it’s a no-brainer to apply this concept to your own business because you get to leverage other people’s money to grow your company and enjoy massive profits with little risk at the same time.

Imagine that, being able to create a 6, 7, or even 8 figure a year business without having to invest any of your own money. Of course, the most important thing here is that you know how to create a profitable online business with a sales funnel, website, or store because without that nobody makes any money.

You don’t want to be taking on outside investment if you’re not confident you can make an ROI. Plus, if you don’t have a concrete plan/strategy to build a profitable funnel or store then nobody is going to have the confidence in you as an entrepreneur to invest in you and your business.

When helping to apply the concept of OPM with our clients inside Ecom Capital we focus on two things and two things only.

Number one is you need to understand how to find investors who are open to investing in online businesses. There are a lot of them out there if you know where to look but not everyone is an investor and not everyone who invests in stocks or crypto is open to investing in an eCommerce store or other online businesses.

If you look in the wrong places you could waste a lot of time and face a lot of rejection which will take away time and energy from running your actual business. So knowing where to look and how to contact these investors is key. Of course, once you find them then you need to know how to communicate to them effectively but that ties into point number two.

Number two is to know how to build a profitable sales funnel for your business. Now a sales funnel is a series of web pages that create an online buying experience. In secret number 1 I ran through the 3 step process for making sales online and it gave you the outline of a sales funnel. The sales funnel is made up of a sales page and a checkout page.

Think of it like this, these web pages are like a virtual shop assistant that holds your prospects by the hand and walks them through the checkout process. Now to be able to build a sales funnel that makes money you need to understand marketing and sales psychology on a deep level. I have spent years becoming one of the most effective direct response marketers in the world and it didn’t come overnight. I have read books, bought courses, attended workshops, and spent thousands of my own money testing what works in the online space. It’s because of my experience (and results) that I am now so confident that I can teach anyone how to build a profitable sales funnel and become rich by doing so.

Learning how to build a profitable sales experience is key to not only getting your investor an ROI but crucial to getting them to invest in the first place.

If you can confidently show them a plan that explains how and why your business will be profitable then they are going to have the confidence to invest in your business. After years of teaching this process and doing it ourselves, we understand exactly what investors want to see and hear when we pitch them our business. We now have it down to an exact science that anyone, even if they’re never pitched or ran a business before can use and be successful at getting other people to fund their new business idea. This has allowed some of our students, who otherwise wouldn’t have had the money to start a business, to go on to become wildly rich by leveraging the concept of OPM.

I’m not here today to give you a lesson on how to pitch an investment but it’s safe to say that it all comes down to your ability to create a profitable sales process or sales funnel because without it the whole business falls down.

In essence, what we have been successfully teaching for the last few years is how entrepreneurs can get the advertising capital from investors, use their money for ad spend to drive customers through online sales funnels, your profitable funnel then produces a solid ROI, and therefore your investor acquires wealth without them doing actually any work.

If you follow our process when it comes to utilizing other people’s money then it creates a win-win because you both can become wealthy at the same time. This leads me on to secret number 4 where I explain the real difference between entrepreneurs who make a living with their business and those who go on to become filthy rich.

Secret 4: Focus on the Backend

There’s a famous quote by Dan Kennedy who says “The business that can spend the most to acquire a customer—wins.” This is referring to how much we spend on advertising to get a customer is determined by how much that customer spends with us.

For example, if on average each customer spends a total of $25 when they do business with us then we can’t spend more than $25 on advertising to get that customer if we want to be profitable.

Conversely, if we set up our business, products, and sales funnel in a way in which each customer who does business with us spends a total of $50 then we can spend double the original amount to acquire one customer and still be profitable.

To become successful in business you need to focus on increasing your lifetime customer value (LTV) which makes you more competitive when it comes to paid advertising. If your LTV is greater than your competition then when advertising costs increase your competition will have to shut off their advertising as they are losing money while you remain profitable.

Therefore you’ll be able to dominate your market and win over the long term.

The way you increase your LTV is with what we call backend offers. These are different products and services that you offer your customers once they have made their initial purchase of your front-end offer.

You see, the only 3 ways to grow your business are:

1.) Acquire new customers.

2.) Increase your average transaction value.

3.) Increase your customer's frequency of purchase.

And from scaling my business into the millions I can tell you that numbers 2 & 3 is far easier than always chasing number 1.

Now before I show you how you can make a fortune from using backend offers I want to make it clear that acquiring new customers and having a killer front-end offer is still critical to the success of your business. It is literally the lifeblood and it’s what gives your business oxygen because this is the first time someone does business with you. If you don’t get the front offer dialed in and optimized then no one will buy from you and then you won’t have any customers to offer the backend products and services to.

That being said, if you are serious about scaling to 7 and 8 figures then you need a solid backend in place because this is the difference between you becoming a millionaire and just making a modest full-time income online.

To explain this point further let me use an example of some of the world’s best when it comes to backend offers.

Who are the magicians when it comes to upselling you to backend offers? Dentists.

Think about it… the average cost of a dentist consultation is around $65. This is their front-end offer, the product/service that they use to get you through their door and into their business ecosystem.

But dental surgeries don’t make their money from offering $65 checkups. In fact, if that was the only service they offered then they wouldn’t bother to be in business at all as they would make little to no money.

But what happens at the end of the consultation? They upsell you a backend offer.

Filling for a posterior tooth: $166

Non-surgical tooth extraction: $191

Teeth cleaning (twice a year): $670

Teeth whitening: $1500

Ceramic braces: $6,500 – $9,500

Full set of veneers: $10,800+

All of these are backend offers that make the business extremely profitable and it takes them no extra effort to get the customer because you are already a customer after paying for the consultation. They don’t have to spend any extra time on marketing their services because these backend offers are sold to existing customers. This is FREE money.

So instead of a dental surgery only being able to spend $65 to get a customer, they have successfully implemented backend offers to increase their customer LTV into the thousands so they can now spend more on the front end to acquire even more customers.

The online entrepreneurs who truly understand this concept and apply it to their own businesses are the ones you see going on luxurious vacations, driving sports cars, and living in mansions because their backend profitability allows them to pay for these things.

None of these people got rich by selling one product one time, they scale their business and income through profitable backend offers. So the question at this point is how do we come up with killer backend offers that can help scale our business to the moon? Well, let me explain…

The key is to have a backend offer that compliments the front-end offer that the customers have just purchased. The backend offer should also be relevant to where the customer is on their buyer journey.

One of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs make is making offers to their audience and customer base that they do not want! It’s a waste of time and money.

However, if you understand marketing at the deep level as I do and you understand how to strategically piece together a buyer journey and a sales funnel then your customers will flow from one product offering to the next bringing in consistent streams of new revenue for absolutely free.

Here is a simple example to make my point clear. If you go into McDonald's and order a burger what is the first thing they say to you? “Would you like fries with that?”


Then they say “Would you like a drink and make it a meal?” These are all relevant upsells. At this point in their buyer journey, there would be no real point in offering them another burger, or another main meal, because it’s not what they want right now.

It would be like offering a guy who just had a haircut… another haircut. The fries and drink complement their initial purchase. And the fries and drinks are what makes McDonald’s their money. People don’t realize that Mcdonalds actually loses money on their burgers. But because their staff continually upsell us they can make a loss or break even on the burger because the LTV is higher than the cost of making the burger.

I first learned how incredible backend offers could be while running my first eCommerce store. Everything was going well and I was making great money from selling my front-end offer using Facebook and Google ads. But then I learned about email marketing and how if I send emails to my existing customer base with new complementary products then I will make even more sales at no extra cost.

Once I learned how to market to my existing customers my business exploded, my profits soared and I was making more money than I ever imagined and it was all because I was making significantly more money from each customer who made the front-end purchase.

Would you like to know the true beauty of implementing backend offers into your business? You can set it all up on automation. Yes, that’s right, you can sell your existing customers backend offers without doing any work. All you need to do is set up the email automation once and it can generate you sales forever. This means your business will be working for you without you even being there, whether you’re sleeping, on vacation, at the gym or out eating dinner, sales will continue rolling in and you’ll be making more money than you can go out and spend.

Now, what we do and what we teach our clients to do inside Ecom Capital is to use secret number three to feed your front end so we make all the initial sales without any investment from ourselves then we remarket to our existing customers which allows us to mop up the money on the backend for FREE and become extremely wealthy in doing so.

Now if you want to learn how you can make even more money without spending money on advertising then you need to read secret number 5...

Secret 5: Your Affiliate Army

Years ago small startup companies had to rely on word of mouth to market and generate sales for their business. They couldn’t afford television or radio advertisements and even billboards were out of their budget. That’s why it was extremely difficult to start and grow a successful business back then especially if you didn’t want to take on huge amounts of debt.

However social media has changed the game completely. Now Bob, living in Mildura, VIC, can make an Instagram post about how much he loves his new razor, and then Dave living in Manchester, UK can see the post, go to the company's website and make a purchase. The razor company has just gained a customer without spending any money or doing any work.

Social media has created a new era for word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing. It’s like traditional WOM but on steroids. And guess what? It’s completely free marketing for your business and you can reach anyone in the world.

A lot of successful entrepreneurs come to me and ask what is the best way to maximize the amount of exposure and sales they can gain from social media and WOM. I tell them it’s by creating what I call an affiliate army.

An affiliate is basically someone who refers another person to your business and then you give them a small compensation for doing so. This could be in the form of cash or free products from your business.

Now if you find the right affiliate with a big or loyal following on social media in your niche (sometimes referred to as influencer marketing) it can be like discovering a pot of gold. If they show or promote your product on social media then you can generate thousands of sales within seconds!

Not only that but as more and more people buy your product and show it on social media the momentum grows and people will start promoting your product completely free. It‘s like a big money-making snowball effect.

A fine example of this is the gym apparel company Gymshark. Founded in 2012 they are now valued at over $2 Billion (yes with a B) dollars. They grew their company predominantly through referrals and affiliates sharing their products on social media. They didn’t have any money to invest in paid advertising at the start but their social media strategy allowed them to generate high amounts of revenue which then allowed them to reinvest the profits into their business in the form of paid advertising further down the line to grow even further.

Now don’t get worried and think you have to know or contact “influencers” with millions of followers. We teach our clients in Ecom Capital how to find “micro” influencers who may only have a few hundred or a few thousand followers but their audience are people who we know would love (and buy) your product.

For example, if I am looking to generate more sales for a fishing product I could find someone on social media who is passionate and posts regular content related to fishing. They might only have a few thousand followers but their audience is made up of people who are deeply passionate about fishing as well. From a small “micro” influencer like this, we could still generate thousands of dollars in sales for our store and it costs us hardly anything to do! If you know how to find and contact these types of affiliates then you’ll never have to worry about generating sales ever again.

The key is getting the right products in the right hands and then the sales take care of themselves. A lot of people in eCommerce understand what affiliate marketing is but 99% of them fail to apply it properly to their business which means people are missing out on literally millions of dollars.

That’s why we’ve made sure to make affiliate marketing a cornerstone of the education we put our Ecom Capital clients through to give them the best opportunity to generate millions of dollars in sales without actually spending money on paid advertising. If done properly this can create a whole new revenue stream for your business.

This is the best way to ensure you will never die as a company because regardless of how your advertising performs you’ll always have a steady new stream of customers flowing into your business (which we then profit even more off of by offering them backend offers of course).

In some cases, you’ll be shocked at how easily you’re able to grow your eCommerce business using this strategy, and at times you’ll struggle to handle the instant scale you experience.


There you have it. Those are the 5 secrets to get rich online that “They” don’t want you to know about. I’ve personally used these secrets to generate millions of dollars for my own companies over the last few years. They’re working amazing for us & our clients too… we have plenty of clients using our exact methodology to make $10k, $30k, $50k, even $100k/month with their eCommerce stores.

So what’s next?

Well, there’s only so much we can explain about growing a wildly successful online business in this blog, so if you’re happy with what you’re reading so far, here’s the next step:

Register for our free 20-minute training for people interested in setting up a semi-automated online store that sells high ticket products so you can get a massive return on investment almost instantly.

Inside, we dive deeper into how the semi-automated model works and how you can use it for your own business to generate 30-300 new customers every single day. When you register for the free training now you’ll be able to “spy” on our agency’s systems and processes that have generated millions of dollars in the eCommerce space and you’re free to steal them and use them for yourself.

Follow the link below to register for the free training.

See you inside.

- Fletcher

The Future of eCommerce

5 Unconventional Secrets to Generating Substantial Wealth Online

Sasha Karabut

10 min read


This report you’re about to read is going to teach you how simple and easy it is to make money online. These are the most lucrative strategies that are evergreen, which means these tactics and strategies will never die. You will be able to use these money making techniques to get rich for as long as the internet is around.

“It’s easy if you know what you’re doing, the problem is most people don’t know what they're doing because everyone is teaching them strategies and tactics that don't work anymore because everyone is doing the same thing" - Fletcher Ladd

You’ll notice inside this report some of the sentences are not perfectly correct. My English teachers would kill me and that’s because I wrote this from the heart, I didn’t hire a ghost writer to edit the life out of this report before releasing it to the public.

You’re going to want to read this report in full, do not skip through the sections, that’s not reading. If you read this report in its entirety you’re going to be able to take action tomorrow so you can start earning big money in eCommerce this month.

You will also quite quickly notice this report is short and sweet, if you’re asking why, it’s because most of the educational books that are written are filled with fat. Most writers don’t need 400 pages. This report is only going to be a couple of pages so you can get right to the point quickly because remember… The most important thing is making money online.

That’s why you’re reading this report not so you can waste time, you can’t buy more time, but you can replace money, that’s easy once you read this report in full. Try to read this all within one session, don’t put it down, trust me you won’t open it again and that’s not because it’s bad it’s because you will get caught up in your everyday life which will distract you from your goal of becoming successful.

About Me:

First, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Now if you don’t know who I am, my name’s Fletcher Ladd, One of the co-founders of Ecom Capital. We’re one of the most exclusive eCommerce firms, most notably known for helping people start and grow eCommerce businesses.

I grew up in a small town in Australia with a population of around 60,000 people. By the time I was 15, I was off to high school in the United States after winning a scholarship on the difference between education in smaller regions vs large cities.

It was in Chicago when I first started hearing about eCommerce, most commonly the model of Dropshipping (Which is retail eCommerce where a third party handles the logistics).

I became fascinated with it. I wanted to know more and more. I bought every single book, devoured every podcast and YouTube video, I purchased every course online that had the word “eCommerce” and I was hooked. But things only started to get real when I started my first eCommerce store…

I started marketing the online store with just Facebook ads. Looking back now, I didn’t know what I was doing… but within my first month, I made $10,000 in sales, with a

wildly insane profit margin…

I continued to run my eCommerce business until one day when I saw eCommerce businesses sell for a 6X on annual sales, so I started to market my outdoor & fishing store to investors who wanted to expand their portfolio from internet stocks.

Offers started coming in left right and centre, every single day I was getting 60+ buy requests…

I had conversations with the most fitted investors and even though I offered them my playbook with all my recordings on how exactly I did everything within the business... they all asked for additional one on one mentoring from myself.

As a result, I started putting my advice online, I wanted to see if what I knew was demanded by the marketplace. Within one month I had hundreds of messages from established eCommerce businesses doing $50,000 to $100,000 a day in sales asking for a call to learn what I knew so they could implement my strategies inside their business.

Using my hard-hitting direct response strategies on already fast-growing eCommerce stores, clients would send out emails which within the first hour would bring in $10,000… (I was shocked)

The reviews from clients started pouring in which only gained my brand more and more traction… Every single day my messages on Facebook and Instagram were full of start-up entrepreneurs or veteran eCommerce store owners beating a path down to my door to learn my “secrets” to success in eCommerce.

After a year or so of working with clients, I had a war-chest of results. I had case-study upon case-study of money being made left right, and centre from my marketing efforts…

This only brought me more and more exposure, which brought a new set of problems…more people with no experience wanted to get in on this eCommerce gold rush I was pioneering.

Even my accountant would call me, asking me to train his son and what I do… It was all getting a bit too much…

However, being the entrepreneur that I am and with the mass demand, I was receiving every single day from 50+ people asking me to teach my tools of the trade. I decided to take on a few clients to teach them how they could start their own eCommerce stores.

That’s when I founded Ecom Capital in 2020, a fast-growing eCommerce firm helping people start, grow & invest in eCommerce businesses. We have thousands of clients who we’ve helped upskill their businesses in the world of eCommerce. Our office is located in the heart of Broadbeach, Gold Coast, we have a team of over 50 eCommerce professionals helping investors build or expand a portfolio of stable, high-growth businesses.

Within Ecom Capital we have a division called ‘Start’ it’s where everyday people working 9-5 or that own a small business are able to safely start their own dropshipping

eCommerce business. The results are amazing, every single day people from Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland & the United States are able to start their own eCommerce business and quickly get sales and grow their new brand into a thriving business.

We’ve become known for having a great success track record in the industry. We pride ourselves on one thing, helping people make money online. It's insane how so many people teach you how to make money online and it simply doesn’t work… Well, I’m here to tell you the real secrets you need to make money online in 5 little secrets “they’ don’t want you to know about, So let’s begin.

Book a demo with our team and learn more about how eCom Capital can help you today