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Meet eCom Capital

eCommerce Growth Consultants
based in Australia


Meet the captain of eComCapital.

Meet the Team

Meet the team that makes your dream come true.

Therese Cassar
Leadership Team
Marlowe Bennett
Leadership Team
Adnan Hassan
Leadership Team
Rishi Bhardwaj
Leadership Team
Tanita Kok
Marketing Strategists
Zac Fletcher
Marketing Strategists
Hannah Boyle
Marketing Strategists
Braedon Page
eCommerce Strategists
Jarrod Nobrega
eCommerce Strategists
Harry Macansh
eCommerce Strategists
Leo Gibson
eCommerce Strategists
Kurt Neuman
eCommerce Strategists
Emmett Davidson
eCommerce Strategists
April Evans
Admin/Client Relations
Wendy See
Admin/Client Relations
Joel Marcelo
Admin/Client Relations
Angel Cunanan
Admin/Client Relations
Kristine Fernandez
Admin/Client Relations
Kim Montoya
Tech & Development
Brigham Serrano
Tech & Development

Where is eCom Capital now?

eCom Capital is currently on the precipice of a massive surge in growth, over the past 12 months the team at eCom Capital have rebuilt and refined the infrastructures and systems that support our prized Start, Invest and Partner divisions. We are now in a position to realize the fullest potential of the 5+ trillion dollar market and provide learnings, growth and returns to all parties who are involved.

eCom Capital Culture & Values

Below are eCom Capital's core elements dictating internal culture and values.


Integrity with all you do. Say what you do, and do what you say. Be proactive, forward thinking and and take massive initiative.

Thinking Big

Thinking big is a self-fulfilling prophecy in itself. Leaders who create and communicate a bold direction that inspires results.


Leave everyone in a better place than you found them. Honest, diligent and efficient communication.

Maximum Transparency

Provide and receive respect with every person you are in contact with. Nothing exceptional ever came from inside comfort zones. 

Personal Development

Never settle. Remain grateful of what you have done but dissatisfied with where you are. Rigorous standards and growth


Have fun in all you do. Find happiness in growth & challenge and you will never stop having fun.

Work at eCom Capital

Would you like to build a Career in the eCommerce market If so, we'd love to interview you! Check out our available positions right now!

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Learn more about eCommerce

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How to Invest in eCommerce

Investors - Stocks. Bonds. Real estate. For decades, even centuries, if you were fortunate enough to have money to invest, these have been your only real options to grow that money. Add in, eCommerce.

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How to Start In eCommerce

There is no better business to start right now than an eCommerce store. Nothing else comes close for aspiring entrepreneurs and digital nomads who are search of scalable income & financial freedom.

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For eCommerce tips & tricks and to stay up-to-date with everything, follow us on Instagram.

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