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eCom Capital's
eCommerce Accelerator

Together we'll help you build your eCommerce brand from scratch and scale to $10,000 per month in 90 days or less!

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Get a Price and Learn How eCom Capital Can Help You Profit From eCommerce.

How It Works

eCommerce Accelerator is eCom Capital's flagship program. It is designed to help you go from 0 to 10k/month in 90 days or less

ecom capital assets

Here’s what we’ll be doing...


eCommerce Accelerator is eCom Capital's flagship program designed to help you go from 0 to 10k/month in 90 days or less

Week 01

Voyage of Discovery


eCommerce Foundations & Long-Term Journey

Learn about eCommerce in 2022 and beyond and your journey as an eCom entrepreneur

Taking a View on the Market

Research a winning segment of the eCommerce industry


Crafting Your Idea & Selecting a "2.0" Niche

Find a perfect "Sub niche" and product line to focus your new brand


7-Figure Mindset

Discover your inner motivation and unlock your mindset to win

Week 02

Alchemy of Product Creation


Fractal Product Evolution

Building a collection of tipping point products based on data

New Age Product Research & Market Validation

Uncover the 6-step data driven product research methodology


Designing your V1.0 MVP

You need a Minimum Viable Product to test to market. Learn how to design a mockup and invent a winner.


Next Level Manufacturing


Discover your inner motivation and unlock your mindset to win

Week 03

Preparing For Battle


Assembling Your War Machine

Learn how to setup and develop your eCommerce website to be ready for market

The Art of Strategy

Make your 30 day pre-launch plan and rev your engine before your launch


4-Phase Launch Plan

Learn about our proprietary 4-step launch plan to get to a $10,000+ launch week




Understand what you need to do after your successful store launch

Week 04


pen and paper

Copywriting Secrets

Learn everything you need to learn so you can write copy that converts on ads and your store

Facebook Foundations & Gameplan

Understand everything you need to learn about Facebook Ads and plan your campaign

facebook logo

Scientific Advertising & Experimentation

Understand how to test creative and angles to find the best combination of winners


Daily Workflow and Scaling


Learn the daily process to maintain your customer acquisition machine and scale your winners

Week 05

Operational EXCELLNCE

a to z

Daily Workflow of the eCom CEO

Learn the ideal daily workflow of the eCommerce CEO, so that your brand maintains slick operation

Finance Mastery

Learn how to manage cashflow of an eCommerce business so you can focus on profits


Hiring Top 1% Contractors

Learn how to vet and hire the best contractors, to begin the process of building a real business


Automation Mastery


Spend more time working ON your business rather than IN your business through the power of automation

Week 06


1st place award

Crafting your winning offer

Don't just sell a product, but craft an "Irresistable Offer," an offer your customers cannot refuse

Store Growth & Scale

Install revenue optimization, upsells, email marketing, and customer ascension into your brand

graph going up

Driving Mass Traffic

Develop world leading creative & recruit an affiliate army to promote your brand for you on your behalf

traffic lights

Marketing Firestorm


Discovery to be seen everywhere, how to track everything and scale beyond $100,000 per month


Listen back to how our coaches answer all kinds of questions, general and specific, from other students who are doing the exact same course as you! Rest assured that these sessions will guide you along your journey to massive eCommerce success. We cover topics such as:


Marketing, Sales, Operations, and Finance


Store and Product Development


Mindset and Q&A with the CEO

live call on laptop


Lifetime access to our Facebook Group Community of likeminded entrepreneurs, and eCommerce Coaches.


24/7 Access to have all your questions promptly answered


Post screenshots and videos and coaches will be there to assist


See results and learnings from other successful eCommerce entrepreneurs


Networking and relationship building, with fellow entrepreneurs

ecom facebook page on mobile

Who is this is perfect for?

Passionate Entrepreneurs

Business owners

Product owners

9-5 employees

Ecommerce enthusiasts

Startup entrepreneurs

Looking to transition online

Husband and wife teams


If you are a passionate entrepreneur, just starting out, still in a 9-5, or maybe you just have the entrepreneurial spirit burning inside of you but haven’t begun anything yet, this course will teach you everything you need to be successful.

Schedule a call with us to learn more about our Basic package and see if we can work together!

This is not FOR YOU IF:


You want to get rich quick and invest nothing


You expect to do nothing and make money


You blame other people for your mistakes


You are not coachable or willing to learn


You aren’t willing to put some skin in the game


You have no interest in building a real brand


You want a generic un-personalised program


You want everything 100% done for you

This is DEFINETELY for you if:


You have a burning desire to be great


You love building quality products


You are coachable and can learn new skills


You enjoy taking risks for big returns


You aren’t afraid to put in the work to get what you want


You want to be coached by a team that has actually done it time and time again


You love feedback and accountability


You want to make a SMART investment in yourself this year

Why the eCommerce Accelerator Basic Program is Better Than Anything Else Out There


Recordings of ALL eCommerce Q&A Sessions


Additional e-commerce support (e.g., 1-on-1 coaching, store build, marketing strategy) at student-discounted  prices


Invitation to exclusive eCommerce Mastermind events

Collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs

Learn from each other and develop relationships

Build your business live during the workshop


Private eCom Capital eCommerce Community


6 Week eCommerce Video Training Program:

Week one: Voyage of Discovery

Week two: Alchemy of Product Creation

Week three: Preparing for battle

Week four: Science of customer attraction

Week five: Operational excellence

Week six: Secrets of 7-figure scale

What people are saying about eCom Capital's eCommerce Accelerator

"Within 90 days of working with eCom Capital, I made $70,000... if this sounds like something you're interested in, give eCom Capital a chance"
"I heard that eCommerce is great... I mean Jeff Bezos Is Killing it right? I've now got an outdoor grilling store generating me passive cashflow"
"The coaching calls are amazing, step by step they walk you through"
"I cant say how incredible this program has been for me... Finding you guys has allowed me to find a new direction in life"
"The eCom capital way... is not hype... It's matter of fact, It's REAL!"
"eCom Capital were keen to 10X my business... we did that in May"

Get a Price and Learn How eCom Capital Can Help You Profit From eCommerce.

“Some of the books that fletcher advises the students to read will change your life forever
customer 5 star review
“I was concerned about our time difference being 20 hours in front of me... but that has never stopped them responding to me when i reach out
customer 5 star review
“The design team also did an amazing job bringing my ideas to life with the website
customer 5 star review
I am very grateful to have eCom Capital behind me every step of the way”
customer 5 star review
eCom Capital is amazing - i had no experience with e-commerce and they have walked me through every detail”
customer 5 star review
The week one training videos were terrific and gave me great confidence in my decision to work with eCom Capital”
customer 5 star review
“What they promised. They delivered double as what you’ve expected
customer 5 star review
“All interactions with their team have been on time and the support has done an excellent job keeping us on track
customer 5 star review
I have access to the training materials for life so cant recommend them enough”
customer 5 star review
“their are many e-commerce mentors out there... but none of them are like eCom Capital
customer 5 star review
They are flexible around my busy schedule and provided useful information, insights and documentation”
customer 5 star review
“I have learned so much and couldn’t be more happy that i chose to make the plunge. Highly recommend to everyone
customer 5 star review

Start your new life as the owner of an eCommerce brand

A bearded man in casual business attire with arms crossed and graphic design elements in the background, possibly indicating a creative professional or entrepreneur.A smiling woman with long hair, casual attire, and abstract graphic elements in the background, representing a user-friendly professional service or social media influencer.